Thursday, June 25, 2009

What'd he say that looked like?

You are so right Doug! Hopefully, when we wake up in the morning we can ask ourelves..."what's that gonna look like today?" I don't think people aren't put off by God, I think they're put off by me when I don't live what that looks like. Check out Isa. Chapter 58...then let me know what you think.

If I claim to follow I live, or am I memorex?

1 comment:

  1. Fisrt i have to thank you and Greg for starting this blog, just to let you know this is my first time at this thing call "blog". If there is a time that my kids ask me for a eaxmple from the bible of how to live our life it has to be Isa. chapter 58... but we are so marriage to this world that when we read it a sound so difficult to live by. When i mad my decision of giving my life to "Christ" 2 year ago i promise my self to not be one of those so called christian that follow the crowd, instead just follow the right one and the only one (is hard to do this but in my book is the only way) so you will understand why i love so much to hang around Greg, he is one person who love to stir the pot so people can use their brain the right way and i belevied that "Jesus would love for us to live like that" the RIGHT WAY!!!!!!
